Monday, 16 April 2012


Question # 1

God took 6 days to create earth and rested on the 7th day, right?  Were there other angels before earth was created?  How did these angels exist?  All earth-human-ancestor begin with Adam and Eve, right?  The devil existed already and tempted Eve with the forbidden fruit, right?  I am still pondering about how these angels came to life before earth, before Adam and Eve?  Here is my imagination……..

Question # 2

Why did God create Earth?  Did He used it as a sacrificial substitute for evil to coexist in exchange for paradise to be a safe zone from evil harassment. God gave permission to the species to be fruitful and multiply. Evil has a personality of destroying things valuable to Almighty God, right? Think about the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.  Was mankind used as a prolonged source of argument between the good and evil forces (something to be gambled on, and treated as toys) .  Except in the end, human, animals and everything else that existed from earth (mud), are discarded, or ruined in hell.
Was Evil so indulged in earthly toys, that Evil had forgotten about paradise.  Or was there a treaty, that earth is the place for the 2 forces to coexist?  Because humans are like Pinocchios brought to life by God, they are hated by the devil.  
Are these earthly-pinocchios created and used as a distraction in exchange for the safety of these heavenly-angels-that-existed before earth creation?  Alas ! If both sides (evil and good force) don’t want us, should we return back to mud?  Or burn in hell? Or recycled back as human babies? 
What shall become of us mankind?  God is so perfect, that He acknowledges of our-Pinocchio existence?  Called us all ‘children of god’, educate us and gave us an opportunity to share with him Eternal Life, (an opportunity to walk these heavenly-angels-that-existed before earth creation).  Not a bad father, right?   

Question # 3

Earthly-Pinocchios call Jesus Christ our redeemer, right?  Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, right? He existed before the creation of the earth, right?  Along with some of the heavenly-angels-that-existed before earth creation, right?  I wonder if those ‘heavenly-angels-that-existed before earth creation’ really have feelings for earthly-pinocchios?  
Jesus came as a messiah and as a fatherly shepherd to educate as well as to link Pinocchio-mankind to Almighty God, right?  How can Jesus redeem all these Pinocchio-humans that had been fallen into the wrong hand (into devil’s hand)?  Jesus probably wanted all these toys back from the devil, because all these pinocchios were created from Almighty God and that Jesus had the right to inherit these-earth pinocchios, right?  Even though we are humans-created from earth muds, we have pain, we have feelings, right?  When we are in pain or in suffering, God came to nurse us.  He didn’t leave us mud-beings to die, right?  
Almighty God, felt pain to watch his only true son being scourged and crucified by low-mud-created-priests.  Imagine these-low-mud-toys-priests that were once brought to life by God showed no emotions when they killed their own toy-master, whose only true intention was to collect them from devil, from hell.   The earth shook, and the temple split in half.  Why not?  A toy-master-creator came to redeem the toys from the devil, with such good intentions.  Jesus uttered, “Father forgive them, they know not what they are doing”.  Jesus knew that the pain and humiliation he suffered were only temporary and he would regain eternal life with his Father once again, right? (only 30+ years of earth suffering) ?  

Question # 4?

In these modern days, have you actually encountered any Jesus impersonator?  Often offered solutions on how they could outdo Jesus’ redemption.  Or how to outdo Jesus, on the cross?  A challenge on how they can outdo Jesus, in self-sacrifice in exchange for the salvation of the whole earth human population.  Jesus died in Jerusalem, while these earth-Pinocchio-Jesus-Impersonator died on TV for the whole earth to witness and also to remember.  My imagination is how can a Pinocchio-human outdo a Son of God (toy creator’s son)?   The answer is never can they outdo a creator.

Question # 5? 

How can I repay Jesus, Mary and all the angels that care for our Pinocchio-feelings?  Try to be of better help to them, don’t challenge and accept the fact that we will always be their servants.  Even Jesus came to earth to serve, right?  

Question  # 6?

How can earth-Pinocchio-turned-angels have an opportunity to become more intelligent angel species?  At Relevation, when Judgement day come, a new Jerusalem, shall be created, right?  We shall share an eternal life with Jesus, right?
The earth shall be destroyed, right?  Patience is a virtue, right?  When Almighty God creates a new Planet, we, as low-earth-Pinocchio-turned-angels shall have an opportunity to witness the creation of a new generation of Pinocchio II-mud-species.  Then, we shall serve them as their guardian angel, right?  Our ancestor-angels-that-existed-before-earth-creation shall be with us, except they became more intelligent, right?  Therefore Patience is always a virtue.  
The more times you pass Judgement Day and the more times you witness the creation of mud-Pinocchio, the more intelligent angel species you become.  Hopefully, you shall witness the crucification of Jesus as He come to redeem new Pinocchio species.  Ever wonder how Simon, Andrew and the rest of the apostles got chosen to be with Jesus.  They probably started a long time ago.  
Please do not turn evil because we are only small-mud-pinocchios left to die by the devil, only to be cared for by Jesus and all our ancestor-angels-before-earth-creation.  They are willing to share eternal life with us.  Since our senses always came from God, don’t forget to sign your senses with a cross.
Please do not aim at outdoing the salvation our ancestor-angels.  Patience is a virtue.  In time, our salvation shall grow when new planet-mud-mankind are created.  
Please do not be a wolf dressed in sheep clothing, the devil that tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, had overconfidence, thinking that over the years, experience can oneday overthrow God and his allies.  A more intelligent toy species (devil) versus his own toy-maker (God)?  Never shall the devil be able to outdo.  A new species of devil shall probably surface, thinking that the experience gained over time, can outdo newly-created-mud-angels and God.  Please do not be a wolf in sheep clothing waiting for the right time and conspiracy to overthrow God.  You shall never succeed.  A toy cannot outmatch its creator.  In relevation, it shall be a  hard battle that only Almighty God can defeat the monster, right?  That monster is a wolf in sheep clothing that grow so strong over time.  None of mud-Pinocchio-turned-angels can defeat it.  The monster must have existed before any of us mud-Pinocchio-angels were created.  
Some of the archangels, like St.Michael, St.Garbriel, etc may stand a better chance than any of us mud-earth-toys.   Be filial and the reward for eternal life would even be better, right?  

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